My wife has been barred from returning to our home in San Diego by an immigration system gone haywire. It's been more than two years, and we've followed the letter of the law, paid the attorney's fees and the many Government Fees, all with no result.
This, from the very same system that allows "undocumented workers" to cross our borders daily with impunity. Frankly, this is ridiculous. Follow the law, sit and wait. Abuse the system, and be rewarded. This doesn't live up to everything Mr. Logsdon taught us in High School Civics all those years ago.
These web pages are intended to give you information that may be used to assist in reuniting us. Hopefully, you can be of some assistance, as the process through the regular channels appears to be designed in such a way as to consume as much as possible, while producing as little as possible, taking as long as possible.
Efficient, this isn't. Neither is it humane.